Sunday, November 7, 2010

Your Mom Goes to College

So, one of my best friend's mom died, just a couple of weeks ago.  She had cancer, and it was incredibly sad.  We've all done everything we can to help my friend, including showering him with love, affection, and food.

A couple days ago, he was over at my apartment, being fed lasagna, courtesy of Aubry.  I was making out my shopping list, and attempting to rally my roommates who needed to go to the store.

"I'm going to the store!" I announced, for the general public to hear.

"Kunkee, do you need to go to the store?"

"I just need milk."

"Okay, give me cash and I'll get you milk.  Michelle, do you need to go to the store?"


"Lynnae, do you need to go to the store?"


"Aubry, do you need to go to the store?"


"Last call, who needs to go to the store?"

My friend then piped up from behind his lasagna, "Your face needs to go to the store."

And, of course, I said the first thing that popped into my head.  "Your mom needs to go to the ---"



Social faux pas of the century. 

And he's still making fun of me for it.

The moral of this story is:

When you make a "your mom" joke, please make sure the subject's mom isn't dead.

Oh, and since we're on the topic of "your mom" jokes, please remember, they don't work on your siblings... unless they're half siblings who share a father with you... and that's just mean.

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