Monday, November 8, 2010

In Honor of the Season

Thanksgiving is this month!  No, not Christmas.  Sorry, all you people who play Jingle Bell Rock the instant the sun sets on Halloween, but Christmas isn't until next month.  I've always felt that Thanksgiving gets ripped off.  November hits, and it's suddenly the season to be jolly, fa la la la la blah blah blah blah.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not Scrooge.  I love Christmas!  I just wish poor Thanksgiving got a little more acknowledgment once in a while.  Maybe, had a traditional way of celebrating it that lasted more than 1 day.  You know, give Thanksgiving a season too.

So, I've decided I'm going to celebrate the 18 Days of Thanksgiving.  It would have been more than 18 days, but I just barely thought of this brilliant idea (and yes, my idea is brilliant.  If you don't agree with me, clearly your IQ can only be in the range of Forest Gump and Barbie) so I've gotta work with the time I've got left.  Of course, as soon as Thanksgiving is out the door, Christmas can move on in!

So, to celebrate, every day I'm going to make a post on this blog of things I'm thankful for.  I shall add to it throughout the day, editing the post as I think of more things, and not starting a new post until the next day.

So, Thankful #1:

1.Goats... and Stephanie.
2.Living in a time of space age technology.  Really, cell phones.  Whoda thunk it 50 years ago?  Star Trek was science fiction, and we've already far exceeded their communication devices.  Really, could THEIR communicators surf the internet and play itunes?  I didn't think so.
3.Freshly cut pineapple.  Yum.
4.The fact that I am taking BOOK BINDING of all the easy 3-credit classes I could possibly take.
5.The St. Patrick's Day banner that is not only hanging from the lamp in my apartment, but has the giant words, "KISS ME" written on it.  I'm sorry, Green Banner, but I just don't feel that way about you.
6.Homework that still needs to be done.  Oh... wait...
8.Gingerbread cake that is going to get me through the homework I should be doing right now.
9.Clint Mansell
10.The possibility of maybe, just maybe, having an in to Brandon Sanderson's creative writing class.

*Later*  (roughly 2:00 pm)

11.Even though I'm still in class, my homework is done and the quiz is taken.
12.I just had an epiphany about how much stress daily quizzes cause in my life.  Now that I know that, I can learn to quit caring about my quiz scores!
13.I got a good grade on a paper in the class in which I got a D- on the first midterm.  Those two grades averaged my grade to a C-, and with 3 more midterms and another paper, that grade promises to rise!
14.Breaded chicken sandwiches... which I am not currently eating... but are sitting in my freezer at home... O lunch!  How I long for thee!
15.Tangents in class.  Nothing like the teacher going off on something that doesn't matter to give you time to relax your tired brain... and blog during class.
16.Cheeseburgers, with barbecue sauce, bacon and onion rings... which I am also not eating.
17.Jamba Juice... which I am not drinking.
18.Subway.  Guess what I'm not doing with that.
19.Chicken Nuggets.
20.Barbecue Brisket.
21.The fantasy of running out of class and driving straight to Burger King... or maybe Carl's Jr.  Yeah, Carl's Jr. has bigger burgers.

Holy cow, my stomach is literally eating itself!  I don't think all the delectable daydreams are helping my situation at all.

22.Alright, humble pie time.  Despite all the effort I have invested into complaining about it, I AM thankful I am in my US history class, because even though I detest the way American history is taught these days, it's from 1815-1848, and is the exact time period in which my religion took root.  When we're not talking about how the people stole lands from the Indians, oppressed slaves and exploited immigrants, we're learning about the environment in which Mormonism was founded, and it's incredible how much of the culture of the 1830's has been infused into LDS culture that lives on even to this day.  It's very enlightening to understand the environment in which the church was founded, which explains things like polygamy and the failed "Zion" societies where they held all things in common.  While those things are unheard of today, they were actually not too far out there for their time period, even and especially polygamy. 

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