Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The world keeps turning.

You know that kid... the one who pitched a fit because he didn't want to go to bed?  So you let him sit in his room screaming for a few minutes.  Then something made you go in and get him.  It might have been, "Oh man... I'm gonna be in SO much trouble when his parents come home."  Or maybe it was, "Must be strict.  Must be strict.  Must not give in.  Must not.... OH THAT POOR LITTLE GUY!!!!"  That last one was me.  I tried to be a strong babysitter who did not give in to tantrums.  Heh.  Right.

You know that kid... the one who used to scream at roughly the pitch of a dying violin when you jumped out from behind the kitchen wall and roared at him?  The one whose little feet would pound their way across the floor as he tried desperately to escape, laughing so hard he could barely breathe, much less run successfully.

You know that kid... the one who would snuggle up in your arms and explain what each and every one of his Pokémon cards was about because talking about Pokémon was FAR better than going to bed?

Yeah, that kid.

He's in high school now. 

And he's a total hottie.  He sings.  He's got huge, buft muscles.  He has gorgeous, heart-breaker eyes.

And you're left sitting there, going, "But... but... what about Pokémon?"

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Sometimes, people post something on facebook.  Then they "like" their own post.

And nobody else likes it.
