Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sometimes you just want to smack your forehead and say, "REALLY???"

Sometimes, people are amazing.  And by amazing, I mean they amaze you.  And by amaze you, I mean, "Holy cow plops!  Did you really just do that???"

Then they do it again, and you think, "Huh.  They did it again.  That was kinda stupid."

Then they do it again. 

By this point, you're thinking, "Dude, you need therapy."

And then they see the light!  And you get all excited because they finally understand that they have been acting with all the brilliance of a turnip!  And you think everything is hunky dory!

And then wow.

Yep, did it again.

And now we're waiting to see if it happens again... because it's headed down that path.  Jeez Louise. 

And then you throw your hands up (like... in defeat... not like, "Yeah!  Put yo hands in the air, peeps!") and say, "Okay, friend, whatever floats your boat."

Because there is nothing left for you to do but sit back and watch, and think about how no matter how much you love this person, nothing you can say or do will help them fix their self destructive behavior.  They have to do that completely on their own, in their own time, when they are ready.  All that's left to do is watch, wait, and hope.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, my dear, amen. I got all caught up on everything and I feel exactly the same way. Sometimes you just can't shove someone into a wall and make them see the light, no matter how much you want to. It's a painful experience to watch someone engage in self-destructive behavior over and over, especially when there's nothing we can do about it.
    If you ever need to vent, I'm here. :)
