Sunday, November 14, 2010

Today I'm thankful just to be alive!

Alright, today's grateful list.  Seriously, this is so much fun!  I sit here wondering why I haven't been doing this for the last 23 Thanksgivings.

1.Sundays.  It's the ONE day of the week that, due to Sabbath observance, I don't do homework.  Therefore, due to my personal religious convictions, I don't have to even think about the homework I'm not doing, and I feel great!  Total and utter stress relief.  As a kid, I hated Sundays because that was the day I couldn't watch TV or ride my bike, or a myriad of other fun/rowdy activities that made up the other 6 days of the week.  My parents also used it as a way to get us to stop singing "The Song that Never Ends."
Me: "Some people staaarted singin' it not knowin' what is waaaas, but they'll continue singin' it forever just because this is the sooong that neeeever eeeeeeennnnnnds..."
Me: "Yes it goes on and on myyyyy friiiiiieeeeennnnds!"
Clarke: "SAVANNAH!!!"
Me: "Some people staaaarted singing' it not knowin'--"
Mommy: **Patient voice** "Savannah, is that a Sunday song?"
Me: **deflated**  "Noooo."
My boredom as a 6 year old set the tone for my opinion of Sundays for quite a while.  As an older teenager, I was able to appreciate it for the spiritual benefits of devoting a day to God, but it wasn't until I came out to college and felt the burden of time (or, more specifically, lack of time) in relation to work and the stress of homework that I really understood that scripture in the New Testament that says the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.  We mortal humans need one day a week where we don't think about the things that are stressing us out, and instead think about things that fill us with hope and peace - like Christ, the atonement, service, our own divine nature, and spending time with people we love. 
Yes, I am definitely grateful for Sundays.
2.The fact that I can mean to write a 2 or 3 sentence "I'm thankful for" and it turns into an entire discourse on my personal history with the Sabbath day.
3.Funny people.  There are a couple different kinds, like the guy who came over last night and made me laugh so hard I just about died choking on my Martinellis.  That's one kind, and I'm definitely thankful for those people.  Then there are the other kind - the kind that try SO hard to be as utterly boring as they can possibly be, taking EVERYTHING seriously and applying even the most mundane or shallow concepts to the depths of their soul.  Sometimes, those people say something utterly bombastic in all seriousness, and you can't help but laugh.  It's a squelched, "I should SO not be laughing at you right now," squeaky/coughy laugh you try to hide, but it's still hilarious.  I'm thankful for those people too.
4.I'm thankful Monique came and sat by me in church, because I hardly ever get to talk to her, and I miss the freaking heck out of her. : )
5.Kunkee let me straighten his hair... and take a picture.  Like so:

6. I'm thankful for collaborating on dinner with a bunch of friends.  We made a huge meal and ate so much food that 5 hours later I am STILL full.
8.New music on my mp3 player.
9.Stephanie has a tail.
10.I'm also thankful for the ability to NOT take part in a conversation, but to just sit back and watch the dynamics of my friends and roommates interacting, and laugh to myself at how their various personalities come out in the things they say, and the ways they interact.

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