Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday... which is kinda lame... but it alliterates, so who cares!!!

Well, obviously today I'm theriouthly thankful for the art of alliteration on this monumental morning while I procrastinate projects of impending importance... that last one doesn't really make sense...


On to things I'm actually grateful for...

1.The fact that I'm following about 10 blogs, because there's usually a new post or two to read.  Today I got lucky.  There were FOUR new posts to read!  Yayayayay!  I need more blogs to follow!  If I'm not following YOUR blog, let me know!  Oh wait... I'm pretty sure I'm already following anyone who has been bothering to read my daily Thanksgiving posts... er... THE one who has been reading them.  Don't worry, all ya'll!  As soon as Thanksgiving is over, I'll go back to 2 or 3 times a week!  I promise!
2.Despite shamelessly sleeping for 11 hours when I have studying to do, I still have 2 hours in which to study before class (this is at 11:15 a.m., btw, since I KNOW this post won't get finished until late tonight), AND I'm fully rested, which doesn't happen all that often anymore.
3.My mom submitted a book to an agent!  This is exciting, because she has like 5 books sitting around at home, just waiting to be published. 
4.The fact that I readjusted what I'm going to do.  I'm going to quit studying for the midterm and get the paper written.  My goal is to have that done - or nearly done - by the end of tomorrow.  Speed read 3 books and get an outline out, and then get to the paper.
5.Awkward class - we're talking about Sultans and their harems.  One girl: "So, how did the dynasty not die out, if the Sultan always killed his brothers then had like 15 wives?  Wouldn't the STD's do him in?"  Teacher: "Well, they didn't have STD's.  They took the girls as young virgins, and they were only allowed the one man."  Girl: "But the dude!  He had like 15 women!"  Thanks, random girl. 
6.These sweet words, spoken by my favorite professor: "I have decided to make the Primary Source Analysis an optional assignment for this semester."  And then the angels sing!  The sun explodes through the clouds!  Faeries dance across the flowers that just burst into bloom!
7.In time for the 3rd exam, the TA in Ancient Near East history finally explains what makes the difference between an A grade and a B grade.  Now I know how to get an A!
8.Three weeks of classes left!!!  Almost DONE!!!
9.Sales at the book store.  Seriously, I just bought 10 very interesting books for $10!  I probably won't read them until either the break or I graduate, but I still own them!  I love books!  They make my nerd happy.
10.This quote by my Isaiah teacher: "You can't put a timeline to God.  You can't describe an infinite being in terms of time.  It's like asking, 'How much does purple weigh?'"
11.And finally, I am thankful that in about 20 minutes, I'll be leaving to see Harry Potter.  That's right, suckas!  All ya'll crazies goin' to see the midnight showing?  I'm goin' to the PREshowing!!!  BA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!  EAT THAT!!!!

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