Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm not sure if this is a list or just rambling...

So, I'm utterly pooped.  Granted, I deserve to be pooped because every now and then I do something moronic like stress my brain out over how much homework I have to do in so very little of time, and then go waste 2 1/2 hours watching a movie and snuggling with my friends.  Er... friend.

Yeah, so I have a 10 page paper to write.  It's due Monday.  Guess how much I have left.  Yep, that's right.  All of it.  I STARTED reading 1 of the 3 books I have to write about and got about 60 pages in.  Well, technically, I started reading a different one of them a while ago, but I wasn't making any sort of notes about what I was reading - just reading it, because I didn't know what I was writing about.

Anyway, paper.  I'm reaching freak out mode.  I tend to get this way right before I break down and start crying.  Then I cry a little until I realize I'm falling asleep.  Then I crawl out of bed, put the book that I've been drooling on back on the floor, and take my boots off... which I decided before that I was going to keep wearing and just sorta dangle off the edge of the bed so that I wouldn't be tempted to fall asleep while doing said desperate assignment.  But, my humanity wins out, and off go the boots... along with the jeans and anything else I don't want to wear to bed.  Into the pj's, and next thing I know it's morning.

The funny thing is, as soon as morning hits, I realize that the previous day's breakdown was utterly unnecessary.  This is doable.  It's perfectly possible, even though I do have to read about 600 more pages and write 10 of my own in about 10 hours time... while doing laundry, packing for Thanksgiving vacation, and trying not to think about the other midterm I have to study for the INSTANT the paper is written.

Sleep is amazing.  It completely realigns the universe.

So, with that said, I'm thankful for:

1.Mornings.  Not necessarily early mornings or anything like that, but I'm thankful for the concept of a morning, where all the stress has been slept off, and impossible is suddenly attainable.
2.Editors in my life.  My mom, Lynnae.  Both are awesome.  I'll have to find out if one of them is willing to be on call Monday morning when I will have finished some form of a draft of this paper.
3.Friends who like to cuddle during movies.
4.Okay, so this is a little random, but I'm really glad my boss picked me to be the one to inventory the food and supplies we've been collecting for donations, as well as count the charity money we've earned.  Counting cans and stacking quarters was shockingly relaxing.  Probably because there was nothing unexpected, and I'm just too tired.  Last night was 3 very broken hours of sleep before it was up and getting ready for the England history midterm from hell.  Or, I suppose, the latest England history midterm from hell, since the previous 2 have been just as bad. 7 hours of studying, and I'm pretty sure I got a low B.  Anyway, I digress.  I was exhausted at work, and the thought of counting cans - mindless as it is - was much more appealing than the idea of taking calls, assessing the customer's needs, and trying to not only take care of the customer's request, but figure out anything and everything else they might possibly need to know about or resolve with their account - and work a sale in there too if applicable.  Normally, that stuff is fun.  Not today.  Today it was a scary thought, and I was glad when the call volume died down to absolutely nothing.  That's when I got 60 or so pages of the latest book read. :)
5.Wow... that was long... and ramblesque.  I'm thankful for coming home to Much Ado About Nothing, which I have never read or seen, but looks hilarious.  Some day, I should like to watch the whole thing.
6.Oh!  Big one.  I'm thankful... VERY thankful, in fact... that my apartment complex sent around a survey asking for residential feedback.  Free license for my opinion!  And do I ever have an opinion.
The lighting, for example.  One puny bulb beneath a foggy light fixture to light up the entire front room.  I'm sorry, but even with Stephanie's lamp and the lights from the Christmas tree, this apartment is as bright and cheery as the Bat Cave.  But then, we have Stephanie's lamp and the Christmas tree, so dim as it is, it's a far cry better than everybody else's apartments.  We get to go blind just a little more slowly than everyone else.  Thanks, Stadium Terrace.  I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to vent about your "energy saving" methods... and please, don't even get me started on the maintenance guy and the door that has been broken since I moved in here!  Oh wait... I wrote half of page of notes on the feedback form about that.  Okay, I feel better now.  Ranting done.
7.I'm thankful for Stephanie's lamp and the Christmas tree... especially Stephanie's lamp.  One of the heads is flexible, so I can sit on the couch, point it directly on me, and I can actually see what I'm doing!  It's amazing!

Wow... I'm a whiney butt tonight.  I need to go to bed.

8.I'm thankful it's payday!  I got a big check today too!
9.I'm thankful I'm on thankful #9, because it means I'm very near to being done with the 10 thankful minimum, and going to bed.
10.I'm thankful I'm out of creativity, and therefore able to cheat and write a thankful that isn't really a thankful and go to bed.

I'll be more celebratory and in the spirit of Thanksgiving tomorrow.  I promise.

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