Monday, April 13, 2015

Morning Sickness Meal Schedule

As I finished second breakfast this morning, I had the thought, "You know, I'm going to eat again before my lunch break, which is basically elevenses."

And then I realized... I eat like a hobbit!!!

And then I corrected myself. "No... no. I eat like an impoverished hobbit."

For breakfast I had a single thing of Yoplait yogurt. 170 calories.

For second breakfast, I had a tiny bit of oatmeal - a single Quaker Oats Peaches 'N' Cream packet with no milk, ice cream, or any other goodies on top. Just straight oatmeal. 140 calories.

For elevenses, I'll probably have small bag of popcorn. 110 calories.

For luncheon, I know I'm going to indulge. I'll probably eat a full slice of that leftover pizza (minus the crust). 300 calories. And it's going to be too much and make me sick.

Afternoon tea will only be inflicted on myself because I know if I don't eat I'm going to be sorry, and it will probably consist of water and a breath mint, and maybe a couple crackers.  50 calories.

Dinner, after I get off work, I haven't decided on yet. Maybe a piece of buttered toast? Maybe I'll indulge again and have two pieces of buttered toast! Tops, 300 calories.

And finally, another meal before I go to bed so I'm not sleeping on an empty stomach (sure fire recipe for trembling and heaving over my toothbrush in the morning), supper will probably be a little more popcorn. 110 calories.

If you do the math on the number of calories I can stomach each day, you'll see that my "hobbit diet" doesn't actually add up to much food (less than 1200 calories). If I were in Hobbiton, they'd probably see the weight I'm losing and try to force more food on me. Or, maybe, even though my face is waning, and the tendons in my neck are sticking out, they'd see the bit of growth around my girth, and think I was doing just fine. Nobody would know.

I know I should be eating more, but I just plain can't. I'm making sure to consume plenty of vitamins, so my twins get their nutrients, and they take the calories they need before my body gets them, but my stomach just won't hold food like it used to. Even with the nausea medicine (which allowed me to eat about 500 more calories per day than I was eating), I'm still floating in "severe weight loss" range, trying to figure out how to get more energy into my body.

I would make a terrible hobbit.

Also, my feet have no hair and I'm 5'6", so it's probably a good thing I'm a human.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I'm suddenly thankful that I can't get pregnant anymore. Thanks for the gratitude boost. :)
