Saturday, April 4, 2015

Thoughts on Twins

Okay, first of all, TWINS!!! I get TWINS!!! I'm going to dress them in matching outfits, take nauseatingly adorable pictures, cuddle their little faces, and suddenly have TWO babies instead of none!!!

Also, I'm terrified.

Mostly, it's the third trimester that scares me. I know twins are common enough that women go through this all the time, but... but... one baby in there is uncomfortable enough. How do women do it with two???

Also, I have a full time job and a family to support. "Bed rest and Netflix," as one of my best friends suggested, isn't really an option. I have to drag my butt out of bed at 7:00 AM every morning and heave myself to work.

This morning I woke up in a near-panic over it.

But, I will have two babies... and that just might make it all okay. Well, once the pregnancy is over, anyway. I'm sure it will be wonderful when the pregnancy is over.

Then, there are meds.

So, I tend to avoid meds. I'd rather have a little discomfort than take something, in most cases. I'll take decongestant when I'm genuinely sick, ibuprofen when I'm cramping (but not when pregnant!), Aleve when I dislocate my shoulder, etc. If it's really uncomfortable, yeah. Bring on the meds. Otherwise, I'm fine.

At the ultrasound yesterday, I told the nurse that I'd been sick since 5 weeks, and she gave me medicine for it. I didn't really think I'd need nausea pills, but after finding out it was twins (and knowing the worst was yet to come), I was really relieved to get it. The medicine makes me drowsy, but that's absolutely fine, because I take it at bedtime, and oh my goodness... last night I slept wonderfully well.  I woke up feeling so rested! First time since the nausea started.

And, I can still sleep on my stomach for the next month or so. I'm a total stomach-sleeper, so I'm basking in that for as long as I have it left.

Better sleep and less nausea? Yes, please. :) Bring on the meds!

Ah, twins. 7 1/2 months to go, and I get my little babies. And, since twins frequently come early, maybe even less than that. 

1 comment:

  1. I remember freaking out when Dr. Bair said he thought I had triplets. I went to the library and checked out every parenting magazine article I could on how to survive multiples... and then started practicing. They were such good articles, I totally wish I would've kept them! Idk, maybe I did... somewhere...

    It really is something you have to practice at though, streamlining your life and time. In fact, I think that was when I started using paper plates. :D

    I'll have to check my journals for you and see if I can find any entries with the best ideas written down. <3
