Thursday, December 16, 2010

Well, this is fun...

Four finals left.  Yeah, I know.  It's day 4 of finals week, and I've only taken 1 of them.  My problem?  I've spent the last 3 days studying for 3 finals at the same time.

My latest study-project has been studying Al-Andalus (fancy-shmancy name for Islamic Spain) and the Ottoman Empire, for my History 240 final.  I feel pretty ready (except for the fact that I can't, for the life of me, remember why Selim the Grim was grim... I think he killed a bunch of people.  Actually, I'm SURE he killed a bunch of people, I just can't remember which ones, and if he was related to them or not), and I now have 4 hours left before I'm scheduled to take it.

So, I had this thought: I can study for US history... or Ancient Near East... I only need about 1/2 an hour to get ready for Isaiah, so I'll save that.


And then the other part of my brain whacked the spazzing part upside the head and said, "KNOCK IT OFF!"  After which, the rational part started stroking the hyperventilating part's hair and saying, "Relax, don't think about it.  Focus on the Ottomans.  Just the Ottomans.  That's all you have to take right now."

And I had an epiphany... again.  I swear, I've had this one like 5 times already.

I'll be fine.  I've had this week ALL planned out, and I planned to take 2 finals today, and 2 tomorrow.  I'm nearly ready for USA, and I'll get ready for Ancient Near East tonight, AFTER I finish with Ottomans (which I am ready for) and Isaiah (which doesn't take much to get ready for, since I did all the preliminary work of organizing my notes already).  I also don't need to worry about ridiculously long lines in the testing center, since I'll be using them as time to get last minute studying done, and they may give me an extra hour or two.

So, focus on the Ottomans.  Don't think about the rest, because if I look at the whole picture, my head will explode.  One task at a time.

Besides, even if I blow it, I've pulled my grades up high enough that it won't hurt too bad.  It's just one test.

This pep talk to myself has been brought to you by Selim the Grim who killed lots of people whom he may or may not have been related to.

1 comment:

  1. LOL... that one paragraph about "stroking the other one's hair and saying..." reminded me of a t-shirt I saw recently which said:

    I used to be schizophrenic, but we're okay now.

    :o) Good luck on the finals.
