Thursday, December 16, 2010

Here I sit, drinking a Jamba Juice

Just about every table here has a computer open on top of it.  Some even have two.

A guy across from me just said he got, and I quote, "raped by that stupid test."  Wow... never heard that one before.

Another guy is wearing a blue shirt, has a military haircut-buzz thing, speaks with a deep, manly voice, has big shoulders/pectorals/bulging biceps, and just put his computer away... in a pink plaid carrying case.

A guy just went to unplug his computer, and yanked the whole outlet cover out.  Ha ha.

A girl just walked by, and I do believe she is studying to teach 3rd grade.  Why do I think this?  Well, because she is dressed like a 3rd grade teacher, with dark, curly hair just above her shoulders, thick rimmed glasses, and a permanent, pinched scowl on her face.  I see that, and I just think "elementary school teacher alert!"

Hmmm, another guy in pink.  Only he's wearing a black and gray flannel jacket over his pink striped polo shirt.  Certainly makes for an interesting combination.

The whole floor shakes whenever somebody walks on it.  Really, the dining hall thing in the WILK can't possibly be stable...

My head still feels like it has a brick sitting in it, but the lives and intrigues of Ottoman Sultans are starting to fade into the "forgotten fact" file, where they will stay safely until AFTER tomorrow.

Ooh!  That guy's jacket looks like an island sunset!  layers of yellow, orange and red... sweet!

Count Dracula is telling a couple girls he just got an 81% on a final, and he didn't go to ANY reviews!  Good for you, oh scary-looking-one.

The PC/Mac ratio here is about 4:5... I think.  Assuming that one that I can barely see is a Mac.  Oh, nope.  It's a PC.  5:4, then.  PC still wins.

That girl's hat has ears!  And a nose!  It's a dog!

A group of 4 people are studying ASL.  One guy was signing, then started doing the robot.

Across the way is this cute, little, blonde girl who can't possibly be older than her first freshman semester.  She's so tiny and petite... and has her cheeks stuffed with food, bulged out like a chipmunk.

Obama is on the TV.  Just a second ago that same screen informed me that Pepperboys does EVERYTHING!!!!!

Pink-laptop-man has been replaced with stare-at-my-homework-and-hope-it-does-itself-spacey-man... who just got up and left... and high-fived the girl next to the girl with a dog-hat... and made the floor shake as he walked... walked past a guy who looks like a cross between a lumberjack and David O. McKay...

... and my Jamba Juice is empty now.

1 comment:

  1. Nice stream of consciousness entry. I laughed. And it makes me miss you. :) Love you, darling!
