Wednesday, January 16, 2013

That person on Facebook

I just hid someone from my newsfeed on Facebook.

I wonder if I'll miss her.

I mean, when the narcissist stopped instagramming herself, I really kinda missed it.

But this one?


She was one of the loudest Facebookers during the election.  To read her page, you'd think one of the original twelve apostles came to her in a vision and asked her to fight the anti-Christ, who was embodied in Obama.  From her feed we find that Obama committed treason, is a liar, wants to take away our freedom, is deliberately trying to sink the economy for his own agenda, will turn America into a Muslim country, and eats babies.

After the election came the aftermath, and the "please can we secede from this fallen nation," and more anti-Obama stuff.

And then I was pretty sure things would settle.  Election was over.  We've got 4 more years before this will all boil up again.  I hoped to get back to finding out what was going on in her life.  And what her kids were doing.  I love those kids, and I'm totally curious about all of them.

No luck.

Now it's gun control.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I agree with her.  Her opinion is that restricting and outlawing guns will take defenses away from law-abiding citizens, while those who would harm us aren't about to obey the restrictions anyway.  She's exactly right - the best way to deter shooters is to make sure they know you are armed, and statistics have proven it.  It takes a special kind of crazy to open fire on a crowd where half of them are packing.

But man.  When you see half a dozen posts in a single day - articles, videos, status updates, etc. - all about the same topic and expressing the same opinion, it's a little annoying.

And then it continues.  Day after day after day.  Week after week.  It's been going on for a solid month now.

The historian in me likes to see the opinions floating around my friends in this day and age.  It's interesting to me what the issues are, and how the people around me react.

But really.  Let it be interesting how I react when I block her status updates from my news feed.

I am so done.

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