Sunday, May 6, 2012

O Thou Bee of my Bonnet

Sometimes I wonder if men have male elitism lessons in church the way women have female elitism lessons.

Oh wait, how silly of me.  Of course they don't.  How can they?  I mean, they're not the soft and fluffy moral beacons of the universe that we women are.  After all, when you compare women to men, we're inherently softer, and people are drawn to us, not because of anything we do, but because that's just who we are.

So remember that, sisters!  We have worth!  We compare ourselves to other women all the time, and it makes us so insecure, and it's SO HARD!!!  But don't compare yourself.  I know you're horribly insecure and you think you're fat because the media tells you that.  I know deep down you question whether or not you're worth anything.  You always have and you always will.  But don't.  Just don't.

Honestly, I'm starting to get a complex.  I don't think I'm insecure enough for relief society.

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