Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What would YOU do with an empty book?

Hey look!  I'm posting on my blog!

Yeah, I know.  I've been neglectful of my poor blog.  I haven't posted in *gasp!* almost 2 weeks!  I decided I would break that tonight, just because my blog is starting to get moody and crying a lot, and I think I may be giving it permanent abandonment issues.

See, the truth of the matter is, I've moved on to bigger things!  (No, little blog, not better.  Just bigger.  Stop crying and go eat a cupcake.)  And by bigger I mean writing that's actually on paper.

Actually, technically speaking there's no writing on the paper yet, but there WILL be... as soon as I'm done sewing up the binding of my first ever handmade book!  And then I have to figure out what I want to do with it.  I'm pretty much at a loss.  It's too small to become a journal (unless it's one of those "thought journals" or "quote journals" that I always think I'll start, and then never do... or write 2 quotes in and ignore for the rest of forever... or write homework assignments in it, then ignore as soon as the semester ends), and I'm terrible at drawing, so a sketch book is out.

Any ideas, person who reads my blog?  It's purple color with red roses, and will have red thread sewing up the spine (Coptic binding... meaning you actually get to SEE the thread, because it's on the OUTSIDE of the book... yeah.  Pretty cool), so it's a pretty book.  Hmmm... what to put in a pretty book?  I like the idea of sketches, but, again... I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRAW! 



  1. You know how to photograph. What about those? Also, you could write random story ideas that you may want to write or elaborate on someday (like an idea book). Also, I like how you assume you only have one reader (I'm sure I'm not the only one who looks).

  2. Ha ha. I like Nick's idea. You can put your favorite pictures in it and then write captions to them. This makes a book of high entertainment for children... people like Sophie, and me. :o)
    I also have a separate book/journal where I compile truths and important lessons for life... the sort of thing where, if I don't live long enough to get to know my great, great, great, great grandchildren, I will still have a voice to give them important messages. :o) You could always do that too. Do it with pictures and you can't go wrong.

  3. @Nick- Upon properly reading the passage, it appears to me that the author's intent was to address the present reader, as she might were her voice perceived in a stream-of-consciousness pattern, instead of the reading collective.
