Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time... it's wrong... and I don't know how to fix it.

So, my blog is an hour off.  Not sure why this is, but the last few posts have posted themselves an hour earlier than the actual time.  This was helpful last night, because my Saturday "happy" Thanksgiving post (or not so happy as I was ready to bite my computer in half) was actually posted a bit after midnight on Sunday.  Due to the hour being off, it appears to be on the correct date.

Anyway, without further ado, here's what I'm thankful for today:

1.SNOW!!!  Everything is all white and beautiful and even though it's still cloudy the world is bright and happy!
2.Figuring out how to check stats on my blog.  I'll post about what I found there eventually, but for now I really don't have the energy.
This whole lack of energy thing is a bit of a theme with my life lately.  I'm perfectly happy at the moment (which is weird, because last night I was tired and stressed and VERY cranky), but I'm lacking in ability to think funny thoughts, or even talk much at all, which bleeds over into writing - I'm just not creative today.  Therefore, I'm posting what I'm thankful for and naught else.
3.I'm thankful for the word naught.  And wend.  Did you know ("you" excluding Lynnae, and anybody else I've told this exciting fact, because I already know they know) that the past tense of the word "go," "went" as in "I went to Antarctica to teach the penguins to polka" comes from the word wend?  As in, wend your way.  If you wended your way in the past, then you went your way... if you goed your way, you are wrong.  So very, very wrong.  But, the words go and wend used to be interchangeable, and the past tense of one got stuck to the other, and that other fell out of common use.  Pity how words die sometimes.
4.I'm thankful for next Tuesday, at 4:00 p.m.  Because that is when my paper will be done, my midterm will be taken, and I will be on my merry way to DISNEYLAND!!!  W00T!
5.I'm thankful my bed is like a cave.  Not only am I on the bottom bunk

**we interrupt this post for a random thought**

I just had a typo on the word bottom.  I spelled it bootom.  Ha ha.

**we now return you to your regularly scheduled list of things Savannah is grateful for and nobody else cares about**

but Lynnae's dresser is by my head, closing me in, and I have a pile of blankets as well, making for a very cozy cave in which I can hibernate (yeah right) for the winter.
6.My blog clock just righted itself... I think.  It's claiming it just saved the entry and the time is 10:08 AM, which is what my computer clock says, but we'll find out when I post this sucker what the actual posting time is.
7.I'm thankful my blog has a strikethrough feature.
8.I'm thankful for BREAKFAST!  I have yet to actually eat anything, but my tummy is pretty busy prodding me to take care of my body, while the microwave beeps at whoever just nuked their food.
9.Wow!  Thankful #9!  Hmmm... what am I thankful for?  Even though this is #9 on the list, certainly not the movie "9" that my friends were talking about last night... because it was weird - way too weird for my tastes.  "Alice in Wonderland" was weird, but it was an awesome weird.  "9" was just eew.
Anyways... I'm thankful for... for... forrrrr........
I really can't think of anything.  My brain just went ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *thhpp* *splat*
I'll go eat breakfast.  Then I'll add to my list.

**one breakfast and a very happy tummy later**

I'm thankful I'm sending stuff to Barry!  I've been a rotten pen pal (though it might be easier to be a good pen pal if he'd actually WRITE BACK!  Email?  Acknowledge he received a letter?  Anything???), so sending him a package is a little bit of penance.  I think I'll send him an email too.  And I'll get some pictures printed out and mail those to him in the package.
10.Speaking of Barry, I'm incredibly thankful that he's coming home in four months!  My lil missionary brother!  I miss him!  I just want to hug him and squeeze him... and then get my lungs squeezed out because I called him little, and that he certainly isn't. 

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