Monday, November 22, 2010

Everyone needs a couple minutes of break

Alright, I'm going to do my thankful list for the day while I'm writing my paper.  It's currently 2:24 a.m., I have 11 hours and 36 minutes left until this puppy is due, and I have it outlined.  Now to start the actual writing process.  3,000 words, here I come.

1.I'm thankful I have an outline.  You have NO idea what a relief it is to get that far.
2.I'm thankful Lynnae talked to me for a bit.  I have been SO INCREDIBLY LONELY these last few weeks as I have no time or energy for a social life.
3.It's 2:33 and I now have a title for my essay as well.  Well... a working title anyway.  I realized half of it alliterated, so I came up with some lame words to alliterate the rest, and I'll definitely have to change it before I turn it in.
4.It is now 2:52 and I have an introduction, which is 375 words long.  375 down, 2,625 more to go!
5.VERY thankful for ibuprofen, which abated the headache I've had all day.  It's 3:21, though, so I'm about 1/2 an hour away from needing more.
6.Okay, I have to say a thank you to Mt. Dew for existing, and for the energy it provides, but not so much for the size those bottles come in.  I'm apparently hyper sensitive to caffeine, because 24 ounces drinken (yes, Lynnae, I know drinken is not a word - no laughing at my idiolect) in a period of 2 1/2 hours (between 1:00 and 3:31, which is the current time) is making me kinda shaky.  Grrr... stupid drug.  I need the energy, but not the side effects.  On the bright side, I'm over 800 words, and I still have 10 1/2 hours to go before it's due!  Granted, I haven't even finished writing about the first of the 3 books (not even close), so I'm going to have to worry about this being too long instead of too short.  Hallelujah!  And here I was so worried about having to fill up 3,000 words.  Alright, back to work.
7.Break time!  It's now 3:57 a.m., I passed 1,000 words, and I need a real break that lasts about 10 minutes or so.  I think I might go outside and run around the building or something to wake myself up.  Might be able to run off some of that caffeine too.
8.I finished my discussion of 1 of the 3 books - the one I had the most to say about too!  I talked about it, and I did so in 948 words.  Combine that with the 375 word introduction, and the little blip I already wrote about the 2nd book, and I'm nearly half done with the word requirement!  Yeah, I may have to cut this down... we're looking at a 4,000-5,000 word essay at this rate.
You know, a little, evil part of me would LOVE to write my teacher a 10,000 word essay, just so he'll have to grade it.  He's always saying, "I know you're all so bright, you're just DYING to go the extra mile with your homework!  Didn't you just LOVE the [5 bazillion page] reading assignment for today?!"  Quite frankly, with that kind of attitude, I'd love to turn in a 30 page paper and say, "Wow, I just loved this assignment!  I couldn't stop writing it!  I know you're just DYING to see what I had to say!  Don't you just LOVE being a teacher?!  It must be so rewarding for you to have students invest so much into this topic!"
9. It's 4:37 a.m. - the man who wrote the 2nd book I am writing about is named Everett N. Dick.  Now, I know Dick is technically a name, but every time I read it I have Matilda flashbacks, and think, "Moby WHAT?!?!?!"
10.5:01 a.m. and I'm still going at it.  I finally hit the "Okay, too tired to think point," but that's okay because the shaky feeling wore off and I have another Mt. Dew.  I also should get more ibuprofen for my head, since the last dose wore off an hour ago and I'm starting to feel it.  Jeez, I haven't drugged myself so heavily since I had swine flu! 1741 words... I need another break.  I'm tempted to extend "break" to 1 hour of sleep, but I really can't afford that right now.  Plus I just consumed about 25 mg of caffeine (in a delicious "smooth citrus" flavor), and trying to sleep after that is a bad idea.  Time for another jog around Stadium Terrace, I guess.
11. 5:30 a.m., and I broke 2,000 words. 1,000 more to go!  I was averaging about 1,000 words per hour after I actually started writing the essay itself (instead of outlining, final research, etc), but I'm slowing down.  Really, REALLY slowing down.  It took me 1/2 an hour to write the last 250 words.
12. Another hour or so, and my mom will be up!  I can call her for a brief pep talk!
13.6:32 a.m., up from a 45 minute long attempt at a nap.  It failed dismally.  I didn't sleep a wink, and now I'm just tired.
14. 6:58 a.m., dawn is breaking, and I finished with the 2nd book.  One more book and 750 more words!  I can do it!  I can do it!
15. 7:16 a.m. and I have 550 words left!
16. 7:42, and not only do I only have 300 words left to write, but I'm on a roll!  My brain is chugging along, and I know what I'm writing about, instead of trying to make sense of all those letters that I think just might be forming words, like I was an hour ago.
17. 7:50 and 201 words left!  So close!
18. Now, at 8:02 a.m., I am thankful for irony.  I finished the rough draft.  I pulled up the word count.  3000?  Nope!   
Are you serious???  ONE word off?  REALLY???
Well, I'm sure I can find a  spot to stick a random word.  I've still gotta edit it anyway.  Alright, time to send it off to my amazing editor!  Mommy, here comes the essay!!!

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