Thursday, September 24, 2015


I'm seriously about to cry. I just suffered the worst injustice in the history of injustices, and I don't know if I can take it.

So, right as I was about to leave for my lunch break, I got an emergency call telling me that there was going to be a meeting at 12:30, and asked if I could somehow procure lunch for 8 people in just a few short minutes.

I turned to Kneaders, the local soup and sandwich shop (which has the most utterly, insanely good desserts), and they came through. I ordered a sandwich platter and a dessert tray over the phone, rushed over to pick it up, and got it to the meeting room JUST in time. The dessert tray made my mouth water, but I resisted - it wasn't for me.

I ended up leaving for lunch late, but I got the job done. As I was ending my lunch break, I got an email telling me there were leftovers and people wanted to use the meeting room, and what should I do with them?

I called Julie, the girl who emailed me, before someone could come up with a heinous solution like declaring the leftovers a free-for-all. "Put them on my desk," I instructed her. "I'm on my way back, so just move them to my desk, and I'll deal with it when I get there."

I was really looking forward to an extra dessert or two, and maybe a sandwich. And once I'd gone through the leftovers, I could declare it a free-for-all. But since I'd been the miracle worker who made that last-second-lunch appear right in the nick of time, I definitely deserved first dibs on the leftovers.

I rushed back to work, walked to my desk, and there was nothing but an empty tray with a few crumbs on it.

Some brilliant egg head made the announcement that there was "free food at Savannah's desk."

I hate them.

I hate them all.

The meeting room still had the dessert tray in it, though, and I managed to get a mediocre pumpkin tart that wasn't anywhere near the caliber of Kneaders' usual desserts. It was kind of stale and flavorless. But, well, at least I got something, I guess.

I don't know... I shouldn't feel this upset about it, but I'm roiling with emotion. Injustice, anger, downright fury over the fact that all they left on my desk was trash that now I have to clean up. And I don't even get a sandwich. And I don't even get a good dessert - just the stale pumpkin tart.

It's so petty, and I'm so upset.

I've been pretty even keeled during this pregnancy, with only an occasional emotional/irrational moment. And this has to be one of them. Burning disappointment growing to downright hatred and anger.

Pregnant lady didn't get her Kneaders.

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