Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Good News!

Following up that last post, guess what I'm doing with my life???!!!

So, I'm graduating in one semester.

I'm also about to start editing the third novel for my "client" (who is published, so nyah to my pessimistic side).

I'm also attempting to write another book - currently in outlining phase.

I have a rough draft that just needs a little more editing before I can send it out to the first wave of test readers.  *insert pessimistic self* You know you're not actually going to work on that one for a while, since you're starting another one.
Yeah, well at least I am starting another one, while you're just sitting on your butt whining about how you're 26 and not going anywhere.

I got my photography published.

I'm getting involved in other book-publishing-related ventures, and learning a lot while walking with my mom through the publication process of her books.

So, depressing though numbers may be, though I'm not where I thought I would be, I'm on my way.

I just need to do the math a bit better and figure out that starting college late + time it takes to graduate = I'm gonna be older than I expected when I start my life.

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