Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Once upon a pasta

So, the servers crashed at work today.  It wasn't just any server.  It was the server that allowed us to charge credit cards, which meant that for half of my shift I sat there taking orders by hand.  It was nightmarish, but then something started to happen.  The call center swirled around me, and I suddenly realized I was dressed in a skirt, puffy sleeves, Victorian boots and those poofy pants things girls wore under their dresses, and my headset had turned into a tin can.  The tin can was attached to a string, and it ran through a hedge, and was attached to another tin can, which a customer was speaking into, telling me their order.

Then the hedge swirled.  I started to wonder what had been in the chicken leg I ate for lunch.  Maybe the chicken was a 'shroom addict before it got its head whapped off and its legs dipped in Barbecue sauce.

Anyway, when the technology continued to decrease, until I was dressed like a nun, dipping my feather in ink and scratching the order onto a piece of parchment.  Then the parchment disappeared and turned into a rock... and I lost ALL my work!

GRRR!  I should have waited for the technological digression to stop before attempting to record the order.  Anyway, at that point, I had two rocks, and I attempted to bang the order into the bigger rock.  The customer was grunting at me and pointing.  I think it had something to do with the wooly mammoth fur I was wearing.

Then I realized.

The customer was ordering a rock.

I stopped chiseling.  I gave the customer the rock.  He gave me a tuna fish as payment.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when the servers crash at work.  Be grateful for technology, for someday it might leave you.

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