Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First day of school!

Class started 20 minutes ago.  My professor is telling us about himself... still. 

I have learned several jewels of information already!

Teacher loves history. 
Teacher loves the middle ages. 
Teacher shared several reminiscences from his early childhood, and his mission in Germany. 
Teacher's grandfather went on a mission to England (pretty sure this one is gonna be on the final).
Teacher lived in a village of 6 or 8 houses while writing his dissertation in 1970.
The toilet in said village was very cold when Teacher's little boys had to get up and tinkle.
Teacher's wife got sick of looking at cathedrals during their tour of Europe, but Teacher was appalled at her, because each one is unique.
Teacher likes to sit on hard wooden benches, as long as he is in a cathedral, and there are high-vaulted ceilings to wonder at.
Teacher likes architecture.
Teacher used to be associate Dean of the college in 1995-2001. 

He's still talking.  It's been half an hour now.

According to the news on, some hackers got into Obama's email and sent an infected Christmas card, using it to steal documents.

Honestly, I'd like to find out what I'm going to be graded on this semester.  Are we going to have quizzes on the reading?  What are the guidelines for the term paper mentioned (though not discussed) in the syllabus?  What is the point of the massive handout we were given?  Do we need to read it, or is it for those who haven't taken a 201 course yet?

Teacher and his colleagues spent a whole hour talking about ideas for a building he was in charge of building while he was dean of the college.  He was trying to express "light and truth" in stone, steel, and glass.  Way to bring religion into the lecture, Professor.

Back to the ever-educational, one of Bush's aides was found dead in a landfill, after apparently being chucked in a dumpster.  Good job covering your tracks, killer person.  They can't even find the crime scene now.

My favorite headline today?  Some middle school teacher guy was listening to rap music and sat on his phone, butt-dialing his wife.  His wife answered and heard the lyrics, thought he was being held hostage in his office, and called out SWAT.   Ba ha ha ha!

Class has 13 minutes left.  We're still listening to teacher tell us about himself.  At least he's friendly.  My last class... not sure what to think.  Either Teacher is a jerk, or he just has a verrrrrry dry sense of humor.  I'm hoping for the dry sense of humor, because if he wasn't serious, then he's actually pretty funny... I just wasn't sure if I could laugh or not.

Hey!  He stopped telling us about himself!  Now he's asking us if we have any questions, and saying he hopes he leaves enough of an impression on us that we remember his name the way he remembers his professors.

I asked some questions!  He gave us the grade breakdown!  Yay!

Class has 8 minutes left, and he's all done! 

And that would be my class on the high middle ages. 

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