Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time for a Contest!

Hey, all of my illustrious reader!

So, as it would have it, my blog still doesn't have a title.  I'm not that good at naming things.  Usually, when I name something it becomes Herman, Jean-Steve (That's like French Jean, not like jeans), Humphrey or Beauregard.  James took pity on the stuffed frog he gave me and named it Ivan before I could get to it.

So, as you've probably figured, my blog's name has been changing a lot.

I considered naming it something like, "Savannah's Deep and Ponderous Musings on Life and the Nature of Humanity," but... well... you'd have to be a professional literary analyst to pick deep and ponderous meanings out of my typical subject matter.

Then I thought, "Thoughts of Me," and decided that was too original of a title.

Then I wracked my brain for something that was purely "me" and thought of....


That's a blank line... in case you couldn't tell.

So, now I'm left, still unable to think of anything.  Michelle has elected to keep my original title ("Call me Savvy and I will throw a plantain at your face") as the title of her link to this blog.  Really, that was just a moment of me attempting to think of something, drawing a blank, wondering what a plantain tasted like, and some random stinker called me Savvy.  That was never intended to be my blog's title.

So, now I'm throwing up my hands!  Somebody else think of something!  I'm officially having a contest.  Whoever can think of the awesomest title for my blog will win the honor of having me name my blog something that they came up with.  Oh, and I will make them a dessert of choice too.

There is only one requirement:

You can define awesome however you want.  Funny?  Creative?  Cool word play?  Profound?  If it floats my boat, I will be a happy person, and you will get homemade dessert.  (If somebody in another state - like Missouri - comes up with the name, I will figure out some other way of procuring dessert for them.)

So, have at it!  If you think of something brilliant, you can email me, comment on this post, facebook, text, tell me in person... the options are limitless!  You can even rent an airplane and spell it out in the sky!

Multiple submissions allowed.  This contest open for legal residents of the United States of America, it's territories, and some foreign countries, including but not limited to England, France, Spain, Sweden, Luxembourg, the Dominican Republic, Rwanda, Disney Land, Czechoslovakia, USSR, Japan, and Texas.  Contestants must not point out that the USSR doesn't exist anymore.  Must be 18 years of age or older to be considered an adult and therefore allowed to buy cigarettes.  Must not be Mormon to buy cigarettes.  The creators of said contest hereby release any liability for submissions which may be slanderous, obscene, making fun of dead puppies, or written in an ancient and unreadable language.  The creators also release any liability for food poisoning that may result from raw chicken eaten prior to consumption of prize dessert. Creators of contest not responsible for any death that may occur by renting of airplane for the purpose of submission.  Creators of contest do claim responsibility for death caused by renting of airplane to run people over.  Please include two proofs of purchase and a $15 handling fee to receive free "I love Rapunzel's argyle scrunchies!" t-shirt.  T-shirt not available in the continental United States, Canada, or Earth.  Please direct any questions you may or may not have to the Name This Awesome Blog Contest Hotline at 1-800-645-3782-455647388-7564jvgj84yf8343h, and ask for Jean-Steve.


  1. The Dinosaurs Road Map on How to Survive the Upcoming Apocalypse....

    That was the best I could come with at the moment. I think my creative juices need a jump start.

  2. What do I get for this?

    Haha, just kidding. How about Creative Catharsis? Or something that combines your love of writing with your photography?

    Honestly, Savannah, I love your writing. You're hilarious and refreshingly witty. Hey, here's a thought: A Dish of Wit with Fries on the Side. Or something along those lines. A Cup of Creativity?

    PS: Clearly I'm taking advantage of the multiple submissions option.

  3. Oh, and the security phrase that I had to type in order to post my comment was "Jeemp" which made me think of "Jeep" which therefore made me smile. Thanks for that. Not that you had anything to do with how the random arrangement of letters chose to vomit itself onto the webpage, but still. :)

  4. Haha, Stephanie, I love yours! Definitely creative. ;)
    And Lynnae, I like the word Catharsis... it's one of my favorite words... perhaps I shall use it.
    New rule: if your submission inspires me, I'll make you a dessert too. ;)

  5. Just so you know, I was the random person that called you Savy, and I still kind of like that title. :D I'm not super creative but here is my best shot: Say it like it is. Or, Peanuts make me gag, give me a peanut and I'll gag you!

    There you go. :D
