Saturday, October 16, 2010

Guess what I'm doing right now!

I'm writing a paper!  Can you tell?  I've gotten so far on this masterpiece that I've ALMOST finished reading the book I have to write about! 

See, I'm trying this new method of writing.  It's called "will the paper to write itself while I do other stuff."  This is a brand new method that I invented myself!

At least, I thought I invented it.  Then I found out that students have been using this method since the invention of the university in the 12th century.  Okay, so I'm hearkening back to my medieval heritage.

Then I found out that students were using it in the Middle East (who came up with a system similar to the university, called Madrasah) two centuries earlier.  Alright, so I'm defying my Western heritage because Westerners invaded other people's lands, imposed their culture and government, and forced them to switch religions or die (which, of course NO other civilization has EVER done before) and I am instead adopting a piece of Islamic culture... who has never done any of the above mentioned things.

Then I found out my brand new method has been in use since the beginning of dreaded tasks.

Fine, so I'm just not special at all, okay???

Dear paper,
Tremble in fear, for I shall not only write you, but I shall write you in such a way that you will purely hate me for it!  Bwah ha ha ha!!!!  You are a paper about death, destruction, plague, and upsetting the "divinely instituted" social system of rich people at the top and peons at the bottom!!!

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