Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Big babies

My family has a history of big babies.

I was 3 weeks early, and weighed something to the effect of 8 lbs., 5 oz. The older 2 of my brothers were both in the 9 lb. range, and my littlest brother was the runt of the litter, 1 week early and also 8 lbs.

Then we have Oliver. My nephew popped out at 11 lbs. even.

So, we've been watching these babies grow, and measuring them at every ultrasound. 4 weeks ago, they were right about at the 50th percentile, and I was happy to see that it looked like I was going to be birthing more or less small babies.


The babies grew.

They were supposed to gain about a pound in those 4 weeks. My boy gained 2 pounds, and my girl gained about 1.75.

As of yesterday, I had 7 lbs., 12 oz. of baby in my uterus.

If the babies remain this high above average, I will hit 36 weeks (my earliest safe delivery time) and have 15.5 lbs. of baby in there.

They need to slow down on the whole growing thing. Sheesh.

On the bright side, even via a 2D ultrasound, I could see my little girl already has the chubbiest cheeks, and the plushest lips! So, I guess a little extra weight gain is worth it.

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